If you are looking for my Cyberfeminism blog...

You've come to the wrong place but feel free to look around anyway!
My Cyberfeminsim blog is actually over at http://arachnetwopointoh.blogspot.com
Sorry for the confusion.
Have a totally awesome day!

Friday, March 20, 2009

fuckitty fuck fuck

This is my personal blog so I can title my posts whatever I want.
If you're looking for my cyberfeminism blog try http://arachnetwopointoh.blogspot.com

The gist is I'm still confused about my cyberfem class and didn't know we were supposed to read ALL of the readings. Are we? I don't know.

I'm in that lovely state where I'm kind of terrified and panicky. My bipolar has been getting a little worse of late. Meds and all of that are still the same. It's just that with all this stuff about my gender and the PCOS and having gotten the final dose of Gardasil which has resulted in some rather excruciating pain in general life feels awfully teh suxorz.

I'd have to argue the worst part of it all is that I'm so crazy close to sucessfully finishing the semester and I feel like I'm falling apart. I would like to not feel like this plzthx. Right about now I would love a cigarette but my lungs are shit to begin with so it strikes me as a somewhat bad idea to take up smoking again.

I will be working graveyard shift tonight and am not really looking forward to it mostly because I feel very sick and confused. At least I'll be making an extra $0.40 an hour tonight. That should help considering comcast jacked up my bill out of no where.

Fun fact: I was the first girl to ever request to work the graveyard shift at ICT.

Next week: Online dating and why it sucks

1 comment:

formofsound said...

You can make it Lefty! By the way, which painting?