If you are looking for my Cyberfeminism blog...

You've come to the wrong place but feel free to look around anyway!
My Cyberfeminsim blog is actually over at http://arachnetwopointoh.blogspot.com
Sorry for the confusion.
Have a totally awesome day!

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

it could never happen to me

so, i've finished watching the oscars, or what i got to see of it. i need to go see million dollar baby.
my mom turns on the news and is watching and we hear, "Ferndale!?" because ferndale is about four streets over. we go in there and we see on the news that this girl, ashley wax, was shot and killed by her ex-boyfriend, she was 15. they had been arguing about breaking up and he had pinned her up against his truck and her dad saw and was coming out side. before her dad could get there the boy pulls a gun out from under the seat in his truck, and shoots her once in the chest, he freaks out and takes off. she dies in her father's arms right there on her front lawn. the boy was picked up at an INS checkpoint, he's being held on a count of murder. but she's still gone.
it was weird that it was so close, but it was wierder that when i looked in my year book and i found her picture, i knew who she was. we hadn't exchanged pleaseantries before, we'd never even met formally, but i'd come into contact with her. i had seen her and knew who she was. this kid, that i knew, has been shot and killed. it's such a surreal feeling, knowing someone you came in contact with has been shot and killed. i just figured it would never happen to me. it's that numb denial feeling, like i'm floating, but not in a good way, just detattched.