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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Quote-y goodness!

They're like literary Wheaties!!!

You all know me well enough to know I'd usually choose something profound and somber but today I'm feeling chipper so they're somewhat comical and offensive (okay, really tastelessly offensive). Despite their questionable nature they're still profound in someway. Enjoy!!

"Only for now! (Sex!)
Is only for now! (Your hair!)
Is only for now! (George Bush!)
Is only for now!

Don't stress,
Let life roll off your backs
Except for death and paying taxes,
Everything in life is only for now!"

-"For Now" Avenue Q The Musical

Why do I enjoy such a profoundly tasteless quote? Because it's honest, it's funny, and most of all it's true. Though I rarely give an explicit definition of why I try to live life without fighting against the impermanence of it all, my mantra is the above song. These words have gotten me through some of the hardest times in my life. Buddhists define pain as clinging to the things in life that are impermanent, as most things are. Change is one of the only guarantees and the sooner someone learns this, the easier his life will be. This doesn't mean giving up entirely but rather learning to "roll with the punches" and keep going. This quote is about not letting the things in life that suck keep you from achieving what you want. Remember, all of life is only "For Now."

"We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?"
-Marianne Williamson

I recently discovered this quote on the homepage of S.A.R.K. (Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy) who is one of my favorite authors. I love it because it pushes people to recognize and revel in their inner fabulousness, something most folks rarely do. People rarely recognize or validate their own creativity claiming they "aren't good enough." I think this movement of self doubt should be done away with; people need encouragement. We watch a handful of "celebrities" act out these fantasy lives, claiming all the glory and recognition for themselves, and then we doubt that we have a right to be amazing. Children should be allowed to believe that they are inherently good people, they are wonderful humans and they have a right to shine and be recognized. Never let anyone take your right to be an amazing human being, and never let anyone tell you that you aren't amazing because, honestly, everyone in the world has something inside them that makes them unlike anything or anyone else. Shine.

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