If you are looking for my Cyberfeminism blog...

You've come to the wrong place but feel free to look around anyway!
My Cyberfeminsim blog is actually over at http://arachnetwopointoh.blogspot.com
Sorry for the confusion.
Have a totally awesome day!

Monday, April 02, 2007

Greatest Site EVER!!!!

So boredom has dictated that I find something to do on el inter-web. This said I scowered Google for something worth my interest. Lo and Behold I have found the Holy Grail of RANDOM!!!!

http://www.superbad.com/ - it makes no sense, you randomly click your way through a series of webpages/images but it is infinitely fascinating because it has no logic to it. It goes on forever. Long Live Surrealism!!

http://www.intute.ac.uk/artsandhumanities/cgi-bin/fullrecord.pl?handle=artifact565 - the origins of SuperBad. it all makes sense.

if that doesn't suit your fancy pick something else

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