Farewell Falwell: Falwell buys the farm.
It doesn't get a whole lot better than this.
I've been waiting for nigh on a decade for this fucker to bite the dust. I prayed in vain to our Glorious God, hoping he would take pity on me and the rest of "the family" and give us a fighting chance.
On Tuesday, May 15th my prayers were answered and Falwell kicked the bucket!!!
The world is split between celebration en masse, a la Stonewall Riots, and mourning like Superman just died. On the whole he pissed off enough minorities that the line to dance on his grave will be longer than the lines of people waiting for the next Harry Potter book.
Any man who supports Aparthied and criticizes the efforts of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr deserves to be roasted by the living as well as those dead he joins in hell. I suppose my overwhelmingly Liberal true colors are shining through and may piss off a few people but I know that I'm not alone in my celebratory mood. I found particular comfort in the words "Ladies and gentlemen, Evil has left the building. " posted by an individual identified only as "rufus" on the Gawker forums.
Yes, it's tasteless. What can we say? We're giddy!!!
I'm throwing a huge drunken, gay, interracial, pagan, orgy in honor of Herr Falwell.
Happy Beltane, it's a little late but we'll take it.